Videos ∞
Lasair introduction and object page ∞
The front page of Lasair, and all the goodies to be found on the page of a specific astronomical object.
How to get a Lasair account ∞
You just need a working email to get an account. Then you can create and save filters, watchlists, watchmaps, and run real-time streaming from your filter.
How to make a filter for Lasair alerts ∞
How to write a filter in a SQL-like language with SELECT and WHERE. You can also include watchlists (find alerts that happened at one of my sources), watchmaps (alerts withing a special area of the sky), and annotations (alerts that an external annotator has flagged).
How to make a watchlist for Lasair ∞
A watchlist is a set of special places in the sky – my favourite sources. This video is how to create a watchlist from a file of simple format (RA, Dec, Name), how to make that file from Vizier. Once you have a watchlist, you can use it in a Lasair filter to select alerts from your favourite sources.
How to make a watchmap for Lasair ∞
A watchmap is an area of the sky defined by a MOC. This video shows how to create a watchmap from such a file, and how to build the file. Once you have a watchmap, you can use it in a Lasair filter to select alerts from your favourite area of the sky.
Topic and GroupID for a Lasair Kafka Stream ∞
You can have results of a filter delivered in near-real-time to your machine. This video explains two important concepts: Topic and GroupId
The Lasair Marshall Notebook ∞
You can browse the output of a filter with the Lasair Marshall Notebook. This video shows how it works.