Lasair: A UK Alert Stream Broker ∞
Lasair is being developed by The University of Edinburgh, Queen’s University Belfast, and Oxford University with the ultimate goal of serving transient alerts from the future Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) to the astronomical community. Lasair (pronounced ‘L-AH-s-uh-r’) means flame or flash in Scots and Irish gaelic. To prototype functionality needed to process transient event alerts from LSST, Lasair is currently processing and serving data from the public stream of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), which is releasing a transient alert stream in a format similar to that envisaged for LSST. We thank ZTF for access to this valuable public data stream.
If you make use of Lasair in any of your work, please remember to cite our paper: Lasair: The Transient Alert Broker for LSST:UK, K. W. Smith, R. D. Williams et. al., Research Notes AAS, 3,26 (2019).
To start using Lasair to filter the deluge of alerts:
The following is about the astronomical science enabled by Lasair:
Please start here to discover the key ideas of Lasair:
Lasair’s core features are described in more detail here: